The Best Addons for Making Gold in WoW?

Auctionator addon

Getting yourself a good auction addon is vital for making gold in World of Warcraft. Auctionator is an addon that allows you to scan the auction house and show an item’s auction value, vendor value and more in your tooltips even when you’re not at the auction house. Auctionator also makes it easier to post auctions, cancel auctions that someone has undercut, buy items and create shopping lists for items that you frequently buy. It can also keep track of historical prices, so you can see if the current ones are unusually high or low. Auctionator can even warn you if you’re trying to post auctions at an unusually low price. It has a lot of other features, options and customizations, and the best part is that Auctionator remains simple to use and understand, even while adding tons of functionality. An addon that I highly recommended.

Bagnon or Adibags addons

Keeping your bags organized can be a huge time saver when it comes to making gold. The games default UI seperates all of your content into multiple bags which makes finding things a pain at times. Bag addons, like Bagnon, allow you to view your entire inventory all at once without having to sort through different bags, and some, like Adibags, can even automatically organize the contents by category. While these addons do not directly help you make gold, they definitely help with keep your inventory of gold making materials more organized and thus speeds up the process as a whole.

Vendor addon

You might not think all those grey items filling up your bags would be worth the time to sell but when sold in large chunks they can mean serious gold. Of course, having to sit there and manually sell each item one at of time is a real time sink. Addons like Vend-o-Matic make things way easier by giving you a single button to press to sell all grey items at once. You can even set it up to sell automatically as soon as you talk to an NPC.