Some of the new titles in Mists of Pandaria


This title requires you to become exalted with the Tillers.

The Beloved

This title requires that you have 70 Reputations raised to Exalted.


This title requires that you complete all 7 Scenarios on a Saturday.

Master of the Ways

This title requires that you complete level 600 in all six ways of Pandaren Cooking.


This title requires that you capture every battle pet in the world.


This title requires that you capture every battle pet in the world.

The Wakener

This title requires that you be exalted with The Klaxxi and complete all of the Dread Wastes quests.


This title requires you earn 4 achievements, all of which involve using the Find Battle featuring using only level 25 pets.


This title is earned through the Brawlers Guild.

As you can see, some of these titles take a look of work to achieve. If you’re looking to get one or all of these titles, then check out Zygor’s Titles and Achievements guide which simplifies the whole process by giving you a step-by-step guide that shows you where to go and what you need to do to earn these titles.